Book Review: Heartstopper Volume #2

Hearstopper: Volume 2 continues to exemplify the unique quality behind this beloved graphic novel series. Written and illustrated by Alice Oseman, Volume 2 follows on directly from the end of the prior volume in which Charlie and Nick just shared their first kiss. The narrative set up behind this entry follows the after effects of that kiss and how the boys relationship develops and progresses in unexpected ways.

I really enjoyed the narrative set up in this book. I like how the first volume was more so a focus on how Nick and Charlie came to meet one another and how their friendship developed and evolved throughout the course of the book. In Volume 2's case, it chooses to further analyse their relationship on a much more intimate and romantic level now. It's hard not to feel drawn into this story when Oseman does such a fantastic job getting down the complicated aspects of their romantic development. I think what helps is she wrote Charlie and Nick to be so likable on their own, but even more likable when together. How these two tackle their new found affections for one another in this book is so smartly set up and respectfully done. I doesn't rely on the whimsical elements all throughout either, as the novel actively tries to incorporate more mature themes like homophobia and fear with coming out into their personal struggles. These elements never feel half-baked either, Oseman just perfects the balance themes here and it never deviates from being a happy and endearing story for any audience to come to appreciate.

That balance of themes is worth using to reflect on the books tone as well. I like how Oseman's target audience is obviously a younger crowd but the way she structured the book both in written and art style never comes off as patronising. but enlightening and respectful. Oseman's artistic illustrations just continue to stand out as being utterly charming and stylistic too. She's able to not only define looks and expressions in a really pretty way but she also gets the finer details down as well, like clothes or scenic elements, This art style works to make Heartstopper a very unique and appealing novel.

The interesting thing to note is this volume now covers the total lnegth of the TV show's narrative. So whatever volume 3 and 4 hold in store, I will not have any prior knowledge to compare it from. I can't emphasise how much these novels are worth reading. They just offer this really joyful and warm aura that any respectful reader will come to appreciate and Volume 2 only reinforces the feeling even further.


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