Start of Something New
I have a deep fondness for writing. Whether it's writing up my own fiction or giving my own insights on things; any opportunity to put my words out there is something I always cherish.
For the past year I have been writing my thoughts down in two sets of physical journals. I've really enjoyed my time writing in something physical on a consistent basis. I'm a big believer in recording memories in whatever fashion you can.
As we grow older and our memories begin to fade with age, it makes the physical reminders we keep all the more important to us. That's why I write my thoughts down on a lot of things and save pictures and ticket stubs whenever possible, I want to do whatever I can to capture these moments as they occur, so I can anchor them in my memory and easily reflect on them when I'm older.
Writing physically however has it's drawbacks. Writers cramp is definitely one of them! I can't tell you how much pain your wrist can get from writing with a pen for so long. I will also admit I've become reliant on the useful punctuation and grammar correction tools that computers have. You sadly don't get that benefit when writing physically and my journals are probably a punctuation nightmare at the moment.
That's why I have decided to open up a new blog space to write my thoughts and opinions down in one central environment. It will be easier for me being able to record my memories by typing it up and it will also mean I don't have to go to several different areas on the internet to share my thoughts and opinion on movies, games, books, tv shows, etc.
So I hope this is the start of something really special!
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