Game Review: Pokémon Platinum
The fourth generation of Pokémon on the Nintendo DS was the source of many, many hours of entertainment for me when I was a child. I first got my hooks into the world of Pokémon through the third generation with a Game Boy Advance and a copy of Pokémon Emerald I would play over and over religiously. When the Nintendo DS was announced, it wasn’t long before Nintendo and The Pokémon Company announced the first of their mainline games to feature on the console. Released between 2006 and 2007, Pokémon Diamond and Pearl were instant successes, redefining the series for a whole new generation with a range of features. With the strong start to their time on the newest portable console, The Pokémon Company would follow a similar approach to their prior games Ruby and Sapphire and release a 3rd variation to the Diamond and Pearl selection titled Pokémon Platinum. This 3rd entry like Emerald that came before, sought to tweak and refine many aspects of the game and put focus on a...