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Game Review: The Walking Dead - Season 1

The Walking Dead is a well-known name in the genre of Zombie media. Starting originally as a comic book series in 2003 by writer Robert Kirkman and artist Tony Moore, the franchise grew larger in popularity when AMC produced a live-action TV adaption in 2010.  By the early 2010’s, the franchise was enjoying a peak popularity like no other media franchise at the time.  With the show drawing in record viewership and the comics selling numerous issues, there wasn’t a zombie fan out there who didn’t see the appeal in the world The Walking Dead was portraying.  It only made sense then, that in the wake of that major popularity that video game adaptions would also come into the mix. With such a thematic core to its world, it was a compelling choice to take The Walking Dead’s first foray into the video game space and make a choice-based narrative adventure; even more interesting was the legacy this seemingly simple experience ended up leaving in its wake.  Originally released in 2012 over the

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